NDIIPP Partners to Meet This Month in California
This month, representatives of the eight NDIIPP partnership consortia will meet in Berkeley, Calif., to provide an overview of their progress and discuss common concerns.
The consortia, which comprise 36 institutions, received a total of $13.9 million in NDIIPP funding in September 2004. Partners are required to match these awards dollar-for-dollar, and they also must convene twice yearly.
One of the benefits of the semiannual meetings is that they provide the partners an opportunity to learn from each other and build on each others' successes. As in the past, the partners will engage in four "affinity" groups that focus on intellectual property rights; collection and selection of digital materials; economic sustainability of the digital preservation projects; and the technical architecture.
The participants will also learn the results of the research grants program. These awards totaling $3 million, were made in May 2005. There is a possibility that another round of awards will be made in 2006.
Tentatively scheduled for March 21-22 in Washington is a Joint Workshop on Digital Preservation Research. The workshop will be convened by the Library of Congress, the National Science Foundation and the United Kingdom Digital Curation Centre. The objective will be to compare current research directions, identify areas for future research and promote collaboration among institutions working in the field of digital preservation.
A complete report of the NDIIPP partners meeting will appear in the next newsletter.