April 30, 2008 -- Chief information officers and staff from 10 states came to the Library on April 30 to talk about the NDIIPP effort to help preserve state government digital information. The National Association of State Chief Information Officers arranged the visit as part of its annual Fly-In that helps state information technology executives discuss critical policy matters with federal officials in Washington.

NASCIO members visited the Library on April 30, 2008.
NDIIPP staff provided details about the status and goals of the four recently launched states projects. There was also a lively discussion centering on the role of CIOs in connection with long-term access to digital content.
"We have always seen state IT executives as essential players for digital preservation in the states," said Bill LeFurgy, NDIIPP states initiative manager. Doug Robinson, NASCIO executive director and Fly-In coordinator, agreed. "We all know that CIOs are playing a much more visible role in managing the life cycle of electronic records, including their preservation," he said.
Several CIOs expressed strong desire for improving digital preservation in their states and called for enhanced partnership with libraries, archives and other entities with cultural heritage mandates. Other attendees noted a need for improved tools and services to conduct preservation activities. All agreed the Library’s work with the states was providing a major boost to an area in critical need of attention.
CIOs and staff from Alabama, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Washington and West Virginia attended the meeting.
For more further information on the NDIIPP States Initiative, see www.digitalpreservation.gov/partners/states.html.