May 14, 2009 -- Chief Information Officers and policy leaders from a dozen states received an update on April 29, 2009 about Library of Congress digital preservation efforts. The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (external link) arranged the briefing in connection with its annual "Fly-In" to meet with federal officials in Washington, DC.

State CIOs "fly-in" to DC to meet with members of Congress. (Photo Credit: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division)
Bill LeFurgy and Butch Lazorchak provided details about the four National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program projects that focus on state government digital information. Participants had a number of questions about preserving e-mail, geospatial data and other types of digital content.
There was discussion about how CIOs can best work with state archives and libraries to effectively manage digital information. Several CIOs also commented about the limited capability of states to undertake digital stewardship.
Details were shared about NDIIPP efforts to develop tools, services and practices for use by all states, and attendees agreed that this work was of significant value.