February 4, 2010 -- Library of Congress staff participated in a January 27, 2010, webinar (external link) focusing on digital preservation and use of social media. The Bethesda chapter of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association hosted the event as part of their Federal Web 2.0 Webinars series.

Michelle Springer and Bill Lefurgy speaking during the webinar. Credit:Tchad Moore
Michelle Springer from the Web Services Division spoke about the Library's use of services such as blogs, Facebook (external link) and Twitter (external link). She also discussed how the Library is using Flickr (external link) to provide access to parts of its photographic collections.
Bill LeFurgy from the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program talked about the Library's digital preservation activities, including the development of a large partnership network to support collaborative projects. Other topics discussed included communication and outreach through the digitalpreservation.gov web site and e-mail newsletter, maintenance of a tools and services inventory and the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative.