Library of Congress

Digital Preservation

The Library of Congress > Digital Preservation > Partners > Recollection

Partner: Zepheira LLC

Recollection is a free open source platform for generating and customizing views (interactive maps, timelines, facets, tag clouds) that allow scholars, librarians and curators to explore digital collections in novel and intuitive ways.

Recollection allows you to...

Ingest Collections: Ingest collections from simple spreadsheets or sets of robust MODS records. Upload from your desktop or simply point to a URL.

Generate Views: Generate a range of interactive visualizations, including charts and maps, as well as sophisticated faceted browsing interfaces to your digital collection.

Embed and Share: Just copy-paste to embed your visualizations and interfaces anywhere. Provide your patrons novel and intuitive ways to explore your content. Further, your patrons can remix your data with your other digital collections.

More detailed project information can be found at Recollection (external link). Development of Recollection functionality continues. If you are interesting in using this tool please contact [email protected].
