3. Publicizing your event:
- Develop a marketing and communications plan. Focus on using eye catching images and a minimal amount of text on flyers and posters.
- Write descriptions of your event. This can be used in press releases, to contact local press, to email listservs, to provide copy to identified newsletters, to enlist the help of subject specific or local community bloggers, to post to local bulletin boards and calendar listings.
Download our templates for a flyer (MSWord), a letter-sized poster (MSWord, 8.5 x 11) or a legal-sized poster (MSWord, 11 x 17), and a press release (MSWord).
4. Running your event:
- Create set up, presentation and/or clean up schedules with responsibilities for staff.
- Schedule a meeting with staff and volunteers before attendees arrive for last minute instruction.
- Be prepared—have plenty of handouts, promotional materials on hand ready to distribute.
- Make sure you provide post-event evaluation forms for staff and volunteers and attendees. This will help you evaluate the impact of your event.
Download our post event evaluation form (MSWord) and our attendee evaluation form (MSWord).