Digital Preservation 2012
July 24-26, 2012
Arlington, VA
July 24-25, 2012
CurateCamp: Processing
July 26, 2012
Venue: Sheraton Pentagon City
900 South Orme Street
Arlington, VA 22204
Digital Preservation 2012 is the annual meeting of the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program and the National Digital Stewardship Alliance. DP 2012 brings together the brightest minds exploring solutions to the challenges of stewarding digital content over the long-term. The theme of the meeting is access to digital content under stewardship.
Thank you to those participants and the digital preservation community for personal blog posts noting reflections and observations from the meeting.
Twitter hashtag: #digpres12
- Final Agenda (PDF, 114KB)
- Day 1 Speaker Biographies (PDF, 2.1MB)
- Lightning Talks (PDF, 107KB)
- Poster Presentations (PDF, 118KB)
- Panel Descriptions (PDF/b>, 83KB)
- NDSA Innovation Awards (PDF, 100KB)
- Concurrent Sessions and Tools Demos (PDF, 155KB)
Day 1, Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Working Group / Invitational Meetings
8:30 am | Breakfast |
9:00 am | NDSA Coordinating Committee Meeting (invite only) – Cavalier A |
9:00 am | NDSA Standards Action Team Meeting (invite only) – Cavalier B |
10:30 am | Break |
10:45 am | NDSA Content Working Group Meeting - Cavalier C |
11:00 am | Meetings Continuation |
12:00 pm | Lunch NDSA New Member Focus Group and Lunch – Cavalier A |
Main Meeting -- South Ballroom
12:00 pm | Lunch |
1:00 pm | Welcoming Remarks Martha Anderson, Library of Congress |
Anil Dash, Expert Labs, "ThinkUp"(PDF, 21567KB) | |
David Weinberger, Harvard University (D. Weinberger "live blogging" Day 1) | |
2:15 pm | Break |
Michael Carroll, Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property at American University, Washington College of Law "Digital Preservation and Copyright: The Role of Open Licenses" (PDF, 1340KB) |
Bram van der Werf, Open Planets Foundation "Assuring Future Access, from Infancy to Maturity" (PDF, 426KB) |
3:45 pm | Short Break |
4:00 pm | Lightning Talks Christie Moffatt, National Library of Medicine - "Developing a 'Health and Medicine Blogs' collection at the U.S. National Library of Medicine" (PDF, 862KB)Terry Plum, Simmons GSLIS - Teaching Digital Preservation in a Digital Curriculum Laboratory (PDF, 1817KB) Daniel Krech, Library of Congress - "Sets, Hypers, and Yarn" (PDF, 369KB) Kelcy Shepherd, Amherst College - "Our Collective Task:Digital Preservation at the Five Colleges" (PDF, 104KB) Jefferson Bailey, Library of Congress - "Personal Digital Archiving at the Library of Congress" (PDF, 479KB) Carol Minton Morris, DuraSpace - "Painting Crowdsourced Microfinance Platforms and Projects Into the Big Digital Preservation Picture: The National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) and Kickstarter" (PDF, 4247KB) Kristopher Nelson, Library of Congress - "National Digital Stewardship Residency: Preserving Our Digital Future" (PDF, 573B) Moryma Aydelott, Library of Congress - "Tackling Tangible Media" (PDF, 110KB) |
5:00 pm | Adjourn |
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm | Reception / Poster & Demo Session |
Day 2, Wednesday, July 25, 2012
tr>8:45 am | Introduction to the Day and Remarks - Martha Anderson |
9:00 am | Big Data Stewardship is a Big Deal Trisha Cruse, University of California Curation Center, California Digital Library (PDF, 2619KB) Tom Kalil, Office of Science and Technology Policy, EOP Myron Gutmann, Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences, National Science Foundation (PDF 5778KB) Leslie Johnston, NDIIPP (presenter and moderator), "Digital Collections as Big Data" (PDF, 583KB) |
10:00 am | Preserving Digital Culture Jim Boulton, Story Worldwide (PDF, 2760KB) Doug Reside, New York Public Library (PDF, 1444KB) Ben Fino-Radin, Rhizome (PDF, 12,077KB) Megan Winget, University of Texas (PDF, 1726KB) Kari Kraus, University of Maryland (moderator) |
11:00 am | Video Preview: Wayne State University NDSA Student Chapter |
11:05 am | Break |
11:30 am | Funding the Digital Preservation Agenda: A Status Report and Open Discussion with Major U.S. Granting Institutions Bob Horton, Institute of Museum and Library Services Kathleen Williams, National Historical Publications and Records Commission Joel Wurl, National Endowment for the Humanities Bill LeFurgy, Library of Congress (moderator) |
12:30 pm | Lunch / Presentation of the NDSA Innovation Awards (PDF, 54KB) |
1:45 pm | Concurrent Sessions 1 : |
Bridging the Gap through Digital Stewardship Training and Education – Cavalier A Presenters: George Coulbourne, Library of Congress Kris Nelson, Library of Congress Jefferson Bailey, Library of Congress Session Notes (PDF,37KB) |
Sustaining the UDFR– Cavalier B Presenter: Stephen Abrams, UC Curation Center, California Digital Library Session Notes (PDF,36KB) |
Planning Digital Preservation at Different Scales for Smaller Institutions – Cavalier C Presenters: Jessica Branco Colati, Northeast Document Conservation Center (PDF, 4699KB) Jennifer Gunter King, Hampshire College (PDF, 1,015KB) Deborah J. Rossum, SCOLA (PDF, 182KB) Session Notes (PDF, 42KB) |
Tools Demo #1: Access – North Ballroom 1 Viewshare - Trevor Owens, Library of Congress Neatline - David McClure, University of Virginia, Scholars' Lab |
Tools Demo #2: Auto ID - North Ballroom 2 Digital Forensics Tools - Mark A. Matienzo, Yale University Library "File Information Tool Set (FITS)" (PDF, 404KB)- Andrea Goethals, Harvard University |
2:45 pm | Break |
3:00 pm | Concurrent Sessions 2: |
Experiences with TRAC: Chronopolis, HathiTrust and Portico – Cavalier A Presenters: David Minor, Chronopolis, UCSD Library (PDF, 65KB) Jeremy York, HathiTrust (PDF, 60KB) Amy Kirchhoff, Portico (PDF, 241KB) |
Preserving Electronic Records in the States - Cavalier B Presenters: Cal Lee, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (PDF, 384KB) Jim Corridan, Indiana Commission on Public Records (PDF, 386KB) Matt Veatch, Kansas State Historical Society (PDF, 63KB) Session Notes (PDF, 26KB) |
Defining Levels of Preservation (Sponsored by the NDSA Innovation Working Group) – Cavalier C Presenters: Members of the NDSA Innovation Working Group |
Tools Demo #3: Digital Preservation Systems - North Ballroom 1 Courtney C. Mumma, Artefactual Systems, Inc, Archivematica (PDF, 1372 KB). Priscilla Caplan, Florida Virtual Campus - DAITSS Web Services (PDF, 835KB) |
Tools Demo #4: Web Archiving - North Ballroom 2 CINCH: Capture, INgest and CHecksum tool - Lisa Gregory, State Library of North Carolina Heritrix - Kris Carpenter Negulescu, Internet Archive |
4:00 pm | Break |
4:15 pm | Concurrent Sessions 3 |
Tools Demo #5: Web Archiving - Cavalier A Archive-IT - Lori Donovan, Internet Archive WARCreate - Mat Kelly, Old Dominion University (M. Kelly "trip report") |
Funders Speed Dating – Cavalier B (sign up required prior to session) Funding Agencies: Institute of Museum and Library Services National Historical Publications and Records Commission National Endowment for the Humanities |
Assessing and Mitigating Bit-Level Preservation Risks, an NDSA Infrastructure Working Group Panel Discussion (PDF, 848KB) – Cavalier C Presenters: Priscilla Caplan, Florida Virtual Campus Andrea Goethals, Harvard University Karen Cariani WGBH Media Library and Archives Micah Altman, MIT Libraries Session Notes (PDF,34KB ) M. Altman blog post |
Tools Demo #6: Ingest Tools - North Ballroom 1 CTS - Brendan Mannix, Rosie Storey and Kate Zwaard, Library of Congress Open Source Digitization Tools - Kate Murray, Courtney Egan and Jeff Reed, National Archives and Records Administration |
Tools Demo #7: Digital Preservation Systems and Cloud Services - North Ballroom 2 DuraCloud - Michele Kimpton and Andrew Woods, DuraSpace Preservica - Mark Evans and Mike Thuman, Tessella Inc |
5:15 pm | Break |
5:30 pm | Wrap-up / Adjourn |
Participant and Community Reflections and Observations
- Mat Kelly's DigitaPreservation 2012 "Trip Report"
- David Weinberger's "live blogging" of Day 1
- Micah Altman's blog post about the Assessing and Mitigating Bit-Level Preservation Risks session and David Weinberger's talk
Day 3, Thursday, July 26, 2012
CurateCamp Processing: Processing Collections/Processing Data
Processing means different things to an archivist and a software developer. To the former, processing is about taking custody of collections, preserving context, and providing arrangement, description, and accessibility. To the latter, processing is about computer processing and has to do with how one automates a range of tasks through computation. When a cultural heritage organization's work is organized around processing digital objects, these two notions of processing intermingle. This CurateCamp unconference is intended to put these two notions of processing together in whatever ways can be imagined by the curators, archivists, librarians, scholars, software developers, computer engineers, and others that attend. For more information about CurateCamp, visit:
9:00 am | Breakfast and Building the Agenda |
10:00 am - 10:50 am | |
11:00 am - 11:50 am | |
Noon - 12:50 pm | Lunch and Open Sign Up Plenary Talks |
1:00 pm - 1:50 pm | |
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm |