December 30, 2008 -- Library of Congress staff and NDIIPP partners participated in a panel focusing on content transfer at the Digital Library Federation 2008 Fall Forum (external link) in Providence, RI.
Over the past year the Library has worked with its partners to collect copies of content collected during NDIIPP projects. This activity helped to develop and refine transfer specifications and tools. The DLF panel shared these experiences with other digital preservation practitioners.
Joe Pawletko of New York University discussed Preserving Public Televisiona use of the BagIt packaging specification to transfer many hours of video content. From the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Tom Habing shared the ECHO-Depository experience in transferring thousands of small files. Steve Morris of North Carolina State University gave an overview of the North Carolina Geospatial Data Archiving Project work in transferring content by means of the Internet as well as by computer hard drives.
Leslie Johnson from the Library provided on overview about digital content transfer from all partners and discussed how that work has helped develop tools and workflows that are broadly useful. Michelle Gallinger, also from the Library, chaired the session.