June 4 , 2009 -- The Winter 2009 issue of "Library Trends" provides a broad overview of results from the Library of Congress National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program.
The issue presents the most in-depth study of the program to date. Individual NDIIPP projects are studied as are activities that span the work of many individual participants.
"Transformative Effects of NDIIPP, the Case of the Henry A. Murray Archive" is among the articles that describe the outcomes of the Data Preservation Alliance for the Social Sciences project. "The MetaArchive Cooperative: A Collaborative Approach to Distributed Digital Preservation," reviews the effort to successfully develop a service-based approach to digital stewardship.
Other articles focus on the Birth of the Dot Com Era, Preserving Digital Public Television, Web-at-Risk, Portico (external link) and the ECHO DEPository.
Two geospatial projects, the North Carolina Geospatial Data Archiving Project and the National Geospatial Digital Archive are outlined.
Articles that look into issues that involve multiple projects include "NDIIPP Partner Perspectives on Economic Sustainability" and "NDIIPP Models for Mass Data Transmission and Storage." Preservation tools and services developed by the University of Maryland ADAPT project (external link) and Stanford University LOCKSS are also detailed.
The table of contents for the issue along with article abstracts are available at the journal (external link) website.